Fahrplanauskunft für Sehbehinderte

Offers for frequent travellers – weekly and monthly tickets and tariff for students

Weekly and monthly tickets for frequent travellers

Weekly and monthly tickets are passes for frequent travellers who are on the move day in, day out. Whether you are commuting to work, heading to the tennis court, or visiting the city centre at Marienplatz: this ticket will always be at your side (within your particular area of validity, of course). 

If you make a lot of trips on MVV transport services within a week or month, the weekly or monthly ticket is a better value for money than single tickets, stripe tickets and day tickets. It can also be transferred to other people.

At a glance

  Weekly ticket Monthly ticket
Area of validity Within the selected zones Within the selected zones
Period of validity seven consecutive days one month
Transferrable Yes Yes
Also eligible to travel Children aged between 6 and 14 from Monday to Friday after 9 am and at any other time on non-working days Children aged between 6 and 14 from Monday to Friday after 9 am and at any other time on non-working days
Fares with the Zone M
21,10 €
65,90 €
Fares without the Zone M
21,10 €
65,90 €
Purchase Ticket machines Ticket machines

Questions & Answers

Tariff for students